2019 Midsummer Tune Up Checklist
/It’s important to clear all the grass from the top and underneath your mower deck.
In the 53 years we’ve been open, this year has been one of the roughest we’ve seen on mowers. Huge temperature changes, unrelenting rain and quick growing grass have all combined to make one of the hardest mowing seasons on record for your mower. To keep your mower in optimal running state, we’ve compiled a mid season checklist of small maintenance items to keep your mower going strong to close out the season.
Here is our 2019 Midsummer Tune Up Checklist:
Grease: With all the rain and moisture we’ve had this year, it’s important to go around your mower with your grease gun to make sure it’s well lubricated.
Clean your deck: It’s important to clean off the top of your deck from time to time to keep all your belts clear and to extend their life. It’s equally important to clean out the underside of your deck to help with the airflow and the quality of cut.
Sharpen blades: Few things dull mower blades faster than mowing wet grass. If you’re starting to see white streaks in your yard after mowing, you may want to go ahead and touch those blades up.
Check tire pressure: With all the temperature changes this summer it’s important to make sure that you’re maintaining a consistent tire pressure. Low tires can cause an unlevel mow job and could lead to a blown tire.
Check the level of your deck: It’s been a tough year and your mower has taken a beating. Take a few moments to make sure that all of your deck hanger bolts are tight and that your blades are still even.
Check your air filter: Usually mid season is a great time to check your air filter to make sure it’s clear of debris. Most lawn mower engines are cooled by the air flow through the air filter. If this is clogged, it can lead to overheating and worse. It’s always a good idea to check to make sure the filter is clean and replace it if necessary.
If you think about it, we’ve only got a few more months of mowing left. It’s important to keep our mowers going strong through the remainder of what has been a hard year. With a little upkeep most of our mowers will continue on to see what spring of 2020 has in store for us. As always if you need help, have questions or want to schedule tune up, contact us today!